F – Youth Team Tournament

F – Open 4-member team tournament of youngsters up to 16 years of age

19 July 2024

Right of participation: 4-member teams with max. of 2 substitutes composed of players born in 2008 and younger without performance limitations

Rate of game: 2x 15 min + 5 s / move

Starting fee for team: 16.5 EUR

Material prizes

System of tournament: Swiss system of 7 rounds, teams are set according to average ELO of the first 4 players presented on the list, the team bears the name of the chess club which has more than half players as members or federation whose members are all players, on the list may be max. 6 players who have been arranged according to their approximate efficiency, if a substitute starts, individual chessboards are shifted. It is not permitted to change or complete the list during the contest.

Criteria used for ranking:
1. number of the match points (win = 2 points, draw 1 point, defeat 0 points)
2. number of game points (score)
3. sum of the board points of all team's opponents
4. sum of the board points of all opponents defeated plus one half of the board points of all the opponents with which a tied result was achieved
5. sum of the board points of all the team's opponents, excluding the opponent who scored the highest number of board points and the opponent who scored the lowest number of board points

By the unpaired lot a team will obtain 2 match points and 50% of points to the score. If an opponent does not come out, a team will obtain 2 match points and 100% of points to the score.


Time schedule of the Tournament:

Friday 19 July 9.00–9.30 registration
10.00–12.45 1st–3rd round
13.30–16.30 4th–7th round
17.00 solemn conclusion


Applications for this tournament are not registered and it is possible to register for it only on the day of launching of the tournament 

Place: Registration, presentation of results and all games will take place at the congress centre IDEON